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Monday, February 13, 2017

Staying Strong

I've been monitoring my blood pressure for almost one month now, when I learned that I was diagnosed with a stage two hypertension and the doctor gave me a lifetime maintenance.  Since then, I was conscious about the foods that I eat and I do a lot of walking as part of my exercise.

But one thing I could not really avoid is the emotional stress that I have, maybe because I am not a robot and a human being.  Honestly, some things affected me so much and it had to do with my own state of mind, and emotions.  My worries, sentiments, grievances, those are the contributing factors why my hypertension triggered.  Maybe because I am just like this.  Maybe because I always dealt with my emotion.  Things could not resist to make me sad although I tried to shield myself from all my worries.  It persistently affecting me but I don't want to put the blame to anyone.

I think too much. And I care too much. Maybe because of this, it led me to what I have right now, developing anxieties and having a high blood pressure.  God knows that I do not want this as this has been added to another challenge in my life.  I was fighting to what I would like to become - my dreams and aspirations, I have not gotten them yet.  Now I am facing another challenge in my life and this time it has something to do with my health.  I did not expect this, though I know that hypertension runs in my family.

Now two things are what I am fighting for, all at the same time.  First, for my dreams and aspirations, and second, is my health.  I know it's hard to surpass the stage and you almost give up.

I want to shine in spite of what I am experiencing right now and to continue what I have started since the beginning.

And if only God is reading this I know that a warrior sometimes may fall down and drop his sword.  A warrior has a feelings too no matter how strong he is.  He is just soft inside and cry for a while.

Let me share this quote to the one reading this:

"You are the warrior of the light, HEAL yourself, Fight for LOVE, and SAVE the earth..." - Anonymous

Sameera Chathuranga

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