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Friday, June 1, 2012

My Spiritual Awakening Experience (series)

Today is the first day of June and my birthday comes close..hehe..and my birthday wish? I really don’t have any specific idea that I can think of as of this time although I really wanted to go to Cambodia as one of my wish lists. Perhaps I’m a person, just like the others who will bring out the best in me as I always thought which of these ideas would better fit me in. I was always indecisive as my mind fickle to let these things passed over me. As I’ve always said, in everything I do, I always put my best foot forward.

I became inactive writing a blog in the month of May as I went back to studies and it’s nice to see some of my classmates in school where I’m taking up Information Technology. And perhaps one of the reasons why I did not write a lot is because some of my travel plans did not materialize and it is through my traveling experience where my writing source comes from.

A few months back, my self-esteem was so low for the reason that our eldest brother passed away due to stroke. It was one of the saddest moments in our family after our mother died in 2006. The untimely death of my brother triggered me to become depressed and at the same time my business as my source of income was not doing well due the U.S. recession as U.S. was our main market and we were into the ads specialties industries through e-commerce.

People in the realm of spirituality could relate to my experience as my spiritual awakening started about 6 months ago, after my brother died. The death of my brother has become a trigger and during the darkest night of my soul, I spent most of my time in my room. The signs and symptoms of my spiritual awakening are present and I could hardly endure of my situation. In the course of this eventuality, I've been hooked most of the time researching in the internet trying to figure out what was really going on with me and the remedies that could help me face the situation.

I thought I was just only depressed because of death in the family. And I thought because of the situation of my sole income source in e-commerce. But there were more than that.

Let me continue my experience of awakening in my next post.

Sameera Chathuranga

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