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Monday, October 31, 2011

Revisiting Daranak falls in Tanay, Rizal

It's the last day of the month, October 31, 2011, Philippine time. This day is Halloween and is considered one of the most celebrated event in the U.S. In Nov. 1 and 2 mark as All Saint's Day and All Souls Day respectively as people would go to the cemetery to visit their departed loved ones. It's a long weekend though as every provincial bus station is jump-packed with waiting passengers. But in my case I decided to stay home but with different plans. Not sure what it is, but I might bear unexpected plans for the next few days.

I went to Tanay, Rizal yesterday, October 30 and met my former classmate from AMA School of Medicine, who live in this town. He was my tour guide and we went to Daranak Falls and Parola. My mission was to get the best photos as possible, as part of my practice after I attended the Chasing Light workshop last week.

It was several years ago the last time I was in Daranak falls with some of my friends and classmates. If I remember it right, it was between May and July of that year when we had an outing in Tanay, Rizal. I'd like to post my old photos but unfortunately these photos were gone because of typhoon Ondoy tragedy in Sept 2009. Imagine, that was 18 years ago, some kinda having a "nostalgia" moment and during that era, I was so vibrant and too proactive just like any other kids today. Well, no cellular phone, laptop yet, hahaha.! I don't even have a digital camera! There's not even so much Network Marketing yet..lol.

Well that was classic though, interfering my mind and I just miss those days!

Sameera Chathuranga

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