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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cordillera's Kape Musang

Kape Musang at Coffee Origins Exhibit
 I was in Greenbelt 5 in Ayala Mall Makati City to watch the event dubbed as the "Coffee Origins" presented by the Philippine Coffee Board set on October 7-16, 2011. The annual coffee festival showcases coffees from different parts of the country where consumers get to sample different coffees for free. Aside from the exhibit, it lets the consumers participate in Coffee Flaring and Latte Art Demo, farming seminars and coffee tours.

One of the exhibitors happened to be Gae Arboleda-Young, former colleague in PSBA-QC. She owns Cordillera Products Trading and Holding Co. Inc. whiere Kape Musang is produced. According to the Coffee Origins, it is the world's rarest coffee. The "Musang" is a wild cat, which inhabits the Arabica Coffee Farms of the Cordillera Highlands. This palm civet selects and eats only the finest coffee cherries. The beans that pass through the musang's digestive tract are the best quality. Its droppings or "pupu" are later harvested by the farmers who carefully clean and process the beans in traditional way. As a result, a cup of Kape Musang has a distinct aroma and smooth taste. It is exclusively roasts, packs and distributes these exotic beans by Cordillera Coffee. This is how Kape Musang evolves, from musang's dropping to becoming a rarest coffee in the world.
Cordillera Coffee's products

Coffee lovers should be able to try Kape Musang's taste and see how unique it is from any other coffees. Through a fair trade advocacy, it also helps the livelihood of the farmers.
free taste of Kape Musang

The exhibit was truly educational and thanks to entrepreneur Gae Arboleda-Young, who owns Kape Musang for inviting me to come to the Coffee Origins 2011 event.

For more information about Kape Musang and other products, the website address is www.kapemusang.com.

Sameera Chathuranga

3 Responses So Far:

Anonymous said...

Is there someone who knows where we can buy KAPE MUSANG? We are from CAvite.

Anonymous said...

Can somebody tell me where can we buy KAPE MUSANG ? Cordillera Products World rarest coffee!

john said...

Hi Anonymous, kindly message me your email address at johnjmadrigal@gmail.com, I will give you the contact no of the owner of Kape Musang..thanks

