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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Exploring the Town of Caramoan

Photo courtesy of www.lakwatsero.com

Last March 23 I decided to go to Caramoan. Well I guess it was the usual thing that I do when I travel  - unplanned and lack of preparation.  I must admit it, most of my travel are not carefully planned, but If I take a look at the brighter side, when traveling is done immediately, it adds to excitement and the challenges that I have experienced was some kinda unique because expectation might be different from a well-planned and organized travel.  Just like what I have experienced in Caramoan, I had some hesitation if I would push through on this adventure.  So the last minute took place when I decided to go to the Central Bus Terminal in Naga City as early as 3 a.m. since Florencia bus leaves its first trip at 3:45 a,m.

At the beach in Caramoan

One of the beach resorts in Caramoan

When the bus left the terminal, I had about an hour sleep and the next thing that I saw when I woke up we were already in Lagonoy. It was raining and we had a stop over in one of the towns on the way to Caramoan.

Work shop house of the Survivor Reality TV Show game

Participating Country of the Survivor

You'll often experienced a zigzag road going to Caramoan that is steep and small.  By 8 a.m. we arrived at the bus terminal where its main market is located and the moment I got off the bus, one of the tricycle driver offered me to go to the beach for a fee of 100 pesos only.

The church in the town of Caramoan

me at the church

We passed through a tour operator on the way to the beach and was advised about the rate for the island tour.  Unfortunately, due to the bad weather condition, boats are not allowed to go to the island because of the bad weather.  The high light of Caramoan was about the island tours and this is the reason why the tourists want to go to this place because of the destination that it offers, the island tour.  Caramoan has been chosen by the reality TV show, Survivor as their shooting place and is being leased by the said reality show for several years.
Eddie Boy told me that his younger brother was sick and looking for his father who work in the church

Since I couldn't have an island tour, I decided to have a walk in the town for just some few hours/

At 12 noon I decided to ride the MRR bus going back to Naga.  There's also another bus operating vice versa and that is Raymond Bus. 

After all, you learned about your experience though I missed out the island tour. But there's always a next time around and I will know what to do next.

Tip when you are in Caramoan:

1. The tricycle going to beach will cost you 100 pesos only. Some might charge you 150 pesos but try to negotiate if you can.
2.  Since I learned that there is habal-habal going to the main town if you are at the beach, the fee will just only cost you 20 pesos. If you are alone, you can ride habal-habal instead of tricycle if you are in a tight budget. So it would mean that you can also ride habal-habal going to the beach if you are in the main town.
3. Boat rental ranges from 1200 - 1800 pesos.
4  If you are having your meal at some of the carinderia in the town, ask how much is the viand and rice and the total cost of your meal and count your change for the meal you have paid for.

Well I'll just go back to this place for an island tour.

Helpful Resource: https://www.lakwatsero.com/destinations/caramoan/#sthash.nLmryQFw.YritITNH.dpbs

Monday, March 19, 2018

Side Trip: Engkanto Falls

Five days I had a hard time to decide whether I go to Caramoan or Engkanto Falls. Engkanto falls is just an hour away from where I stayed in Pasacao, Camarines Sur and it is a perfect jump off point for me from crossing Pamplona to Libmanan, where Engkanto is just a few steps from the high way in Libmanan. Whereas, when you go to Caramoan, from Naga is about 4 to 5 hours traveling time, considering that buses to Caramoan has a limited time of leaving.  I was totally unprepared for the Caramoan trip so I decided to go to Engkanto Falls where I don't have to prepare that much.
Engkanto has multiple falls

one of the falls and there are still more when you go up

Engkanto falls has a cascade of water falls located in Baranggay Bikal in Libmanan town, Camarines Sur. Not far from Pamplona which is just about one town away or 20-30 minutes travel time from the national high way in Pamplona.
small road will take away 10-15 minutes walk to to the falls
you will pass this farm on the first jump off point
you will cross this wooden bride at the first jump off point

When you reach Libmanan, there are two jump off point which takes around 10-15 minutes walking distance from the high way.  The first one is before the main bridge of the high way which a small cemented path to walk crossing a stream with a small bridge built made of wood.  While the second one is after the bridge and getting to the falls has a wide road which lets the cars can pass through it and stop at the gate.  There is an entrance fee of 20 pesos but starting March 15, the entrance fee rises to 50 pesos.  Engkanto falls have cottages and to those who love to sing you and videoke is available for rent.

the main gate to the falls

Falls have a little trekking if you decide to go up but in my case I never went to the top to see more falls because I don't really like to go up, aside from the bag that I carry.

My mission was just to take some photos of the falls and that's all I want, and not something that I have to go up to the cliff.

Well I guess for me there's not much about this adventure so I decided to go back to Pasacao at past 2 p.m.