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Monday, February 2, 2015

A Great Year to Start

What a great year to start! The month of January was exciting for I was blessed with projects when it comes to photography.  Recently I was busy doing some editing works for the prenup shoots.  It took me about two weeks to finish editing some works since it was re-processed through the use of Lightroom and Photoshop softwares.  Before the end of January, I had some perfume orders.  First month of the year is lean season. but surprisingly I had some perfume orders.  Last January 30, I went to a resort in Binangonan because I covered a team-building event.  And then on Saturday, I met some of my old time friends and we had a song practice for the upcoming 50th wedding ceremony.  And yesterday, we went to the Church where the wedding is going to be held and then proceeded to my friend's house to finalize the songs that we will be singing for the wedding ceremony.

But why am I writing this?  Because I'm just being positive that this year will be a great year for more projects.  I do plan to revive my e-commerce business and it's going to be on it's 9th year in operation including how it was planned way back in 2006.  This was the business that brought me into greater height and aspire to do the same this year.

Well I wish myself good luck and to have fun for the rest of this year.

Sameera Chathuranga

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