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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pandesal Making: My New Hobby

For Filipinos, pandesal is a way of life and we usually buy pandesal early in the morning so we can catch up while it is hot because some bakery only make them in the morning. The bakery is usually just across the side streets and is a walking distance. Some prefer to dunk pandesal in their coffee. I like to fill this bread roll with sardines, peanut butter, liver spread or eggs. You can buy pandesal in the bakery for only 2 pesos a piece.

Making my pandesal is my new hobby, learning it from the nephew of our helper. I'm learning quite a lot and I find it interesting. It's a long process though while making this bread roll, especially that hand is involve in mashing the flour together with other ingredients.

Soon enough I will be posting a blog how to make a pandesal. Helpful blogs about how to make it are found on the internet, but I will have to make mine too. :)

Sameera Chathuranga

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