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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

When Synchronicity Works

Life indeed is full of synchronicity specially when you know your true purpose. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the Universe works in mysterious ways. There's a lot of reasons for this why we bumped into the synchronicity that we may experience everyday. Sometimes we will never understand it why it happens. If you know your true purpose and may have awakened already, this will sound normal to you. 

Synchronicity works usually during accelerated growth. And that means you are in a right path. God gives us the message that you are being guided. During the time of the dark nights of the soul, our Father gives us the message through His messengers. Yes, you will know because your intuition will really tell you.

It is important to have some reflections during the times when you are really down and talk to your guides and angels as they will assist you whenever you need them. By all means they will help, as long as you know how to call them. Even when you talk through your mind, you can get the answers through signs and synchronicity. 

Synchronicity is your personal message, your guide that will lead the way. Only you will understand this as these are given to you that you are the only one that you can understand. To know that you are correct, and validates what and how you feel for what is really going to you.

I would say that synchronicity is God's way to let you know that you are guided and that you are definitely be victorious on the battles that you are partaking. Ask your guides and your angels for some helps. Meditate, travel and go to quiet places. In that way you are being led to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Exploring Rizal: Wawa Dam in Rodriguez

This is a continuation of my journey to Rizal Province. I started exploring Rizal as early as 2011 when I first visited Balaw-Balaw Specialty in Angono for a chance to taste the exotic food and learn more about the Art Capital of the Philippines as this was the home of the famous national artists like Lucio San Pedro and Carlos Francisco.

Last Sunday was another paramount experience when I visited the town of Rodriguez, formerly known as Montalban. One of the town's pride is Wawa Dam built in 1909 during the American Colonial Era. It is approximately one and a half hour jeepney ride from Sta. Lucia Mall in Marcos Highway, Cainta. When you get to the main town of Montalban/Rodriguez, you can take another jeepney that go straight to Wawa and you're just a few minutes walk to the pathway leading to the dam.

When we reached Wawa, we had lunch first at the carinderia found in the side way of the road, just before the walking to the trail.
lunch at Wawa
a short stone tunnel
one of the sceneries that you can pass by
huge rocks between the two mountains bedding the river

the main scene of the dam
rafting the dam

First, we navigated the rough trail  and passed through a short tunnel stone.. There's a rustic metal bridge to cross by and the rushing water was getting louder indicating that you are close to the spot. Make sure to watch your step in the bridge because it's steep and one of your feet might fell on a hole in a metal bridge.The grandeur lies when you are off the trail because of the scenic view of the mountains, and the huge rocks serve as the bed to the river. The ruins of an observation deck serves as the landmark that indicates that you hit the right place.

testing the raft

When you have passed through the dam, you can go swimming at the cascade where cottages and rafts are available for rent.

Wawa Dam is very accessible to those looking for a short adventure, nature tripping, swimming and photo opts.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting To See Some Parts of Los Angeles

It's All Saint's Day today and it's time to remember our departed loved ones and offer some prayers to them.

Just last week, two days before my flight home my friend brought me Hollywood and Beverly Hills. It was also my chance to go to the cemetery where big stars were laid down to rest. The Pierce Bros Westwood Memorial Park in Los Angeles is where you can find the famous stars's grave. It is hidden behind the towering high rises that line busy Wilshire Boulevard. Two of the most popular celebrities I've seen their graves are Marilyn Monroe and Farrah Fawcett.

After dropping by the cemetery, my friend drove me to the Wild Card Gym owned by the coach Freddie Roach who trained Manny Pacquiao. Can't believe that I will be able to see the gym. You can find a lot of pictures of Manny Pacquiao here. We saw a lot of boxing aspirants practicing in the gym.

I had a great time with my friend Marie because she made it possible to bring me to these historical landmarks.