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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Visit Balaw Balaw Specialty Restaurant in Angono

It was through a recommendation by some people that led me to visit Balaw-Balaw, a restaurant that serves exotic foods located in Angono, Rizal. It is one of the most sought restaurants in town. I live in Cainta, a nearby place, which takes around 20 minutes traveling time to Balaw Balaw. The resto is not only about some of the folk dishes, but it also showcase some art gallery where Angono is known as "Art Capital of the Philippines". You can find forms like paper mache, sculptures and paintings.

And you don't want to miss dining at this resto when you come to visit Angono because they offer good foods where exotic dishes are served like soup no. 5, ginataang uok, bayawak, bibingkang abnoy, nilasing na palaka, kamaro or fried crickets and more. This makes the restaurant unique as it brags the authenticity and a nasty experience when it comes to something "weird or " unusual" in terms of dishes and at the same time the place is surrounded by art galleries.

One of their featured house specialties is the "Balaw Balaw Rice", fried and sauteed with some sea foods, corn, pea, chorizo bilbao and scrambled eggs served on banana leaves.

As for viand, I had "Ginataang Kuhol" and "Fried Dalag". They also serve free soup in a pot. And to my surprise, the serving was more than what I have expected because you get a lot at a price that is less. You will feel at home because of a cozy environment and the warmth approach of the staffs and they are always ready to be at service as soon as you call their attention.

When you go to Angono, Rizal, try to drop by the place to experience some of these foods that you can eat which the restaurant is enhanced by the easel painting that portray filipino folkways.

Sameera Chathuranga

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