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Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Love Being A Student

I am currently back in college for my second degree which I am taking up BS Information Technology. It's not an easy to make a decision though, since studying would give me a hectic schedule; I work at night till the wee hour of the morning, and then in school during day time. and that even Saturdays, I still manage to attend a weekend class. Actually, it's been my long time wish to go back in school but because of some restraints, I never had the chance to. But now, I have my free period to study. It's a pleasure to receive this blessing from our dear Creator. If am spending more than 12 hours in the computer, why not spend it in a productive way; for that gives me a lot of benefits that would become advantage in both business and career. It's good to update your knowledge for a better understanding about how computer technology works and at the same give you another skill that is needed on this age.

I was really surprise because some of my classmates are young as 15 and 16 years old. Since the school has a tri-semestral system, that means these teens can finish college when they reach 18 years. They are young and energetic that it's even hard to cope up with what they have. As a senior, my advantage is my experience and maturity. Well I bet patience is a virtue, so I would be patient enough so I could finish the race....

Sameera Chathuranga

2 Responses So Far:

Christine De Ramos said...

'that's good... no matter how old you are as long as you still have the eagerness to study.. no one can stop you... right?

john said...

thanks for your comment and keep up the good works...