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Friday, May 31, 2019

What's My Next Plan

I was quite busy for the past few weeks working for the tour packages for my clients.  My travel and tours business was picking up and will be turning one year over the next month which is based to my DTI registration.  Well it worked for me, and better than selling perfumes haha. But I thank God for giving me this such opportunity.

I already planned this business for the past 8 or 9 years and it's just only last year that came to bloom.

So what's my next plan? I have a lots of plans for this year and one of them is to travel in Asian countries.  I have put my plan in going to U.S. in the shelve since I know that going to the States would cost me a lot of money.  But I really miss New York and I really wanted to go back there.  After all, the last time I was in New York was in 2010.

I just want to concentrate first with my business doing some marketing stuffs.  I know it will cost me money in marketing and that's where I have to put my heart.

I was quite a bit quiet in my blog but wishing that I can go to out of town within the coming months.