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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Tips When Working For Your Customized Tours

JuanTravelTips: For customized tours, here's a guideline that will help you in the way of working for your tours with a travel consultant:
-Your country/city destination. Do you need a single destination only or multi-city/multi-country?
-Preferred Travel Dates: You can include your departure and return dates. Would it be 3 days, two nights, 4 days or 3 nights, etc.
-Do you need a round trip airline ticket? you can include here your preferred carrier, The preferred time of departure, with baggage and meals as some of a low-cost carrier charge you on this.
-Your accommodation. Do you want 3, 4 or 5 stars hotel/resort/accommodation. Will it include breakfast. Standard room, twin or double or any special room.
-Do you need a transfer, whether it's one way or two way-airport to the hotel/hotel to the airport.
-Do you need a tour. Sightseeing, or does it involve activities that will need a lot of energy, for example, biking or hiking. Do you want an extra day for FREE TIME.
In that way, your travel consultant will be able to assessed your customized tour packages.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Putting Up My Own Online Travel Agency

It's been a while since I started to put up my online travel agency. More than 3 months already and I still have to keep a lot of things going. Having a travel agency was my dream aspiration and it started in 2011 and it was only now that materialize. Not really big but I want to make it BIG.

Things becoming clear and it was unexpected of putting up my own agency in hopes that it will have more clients to come. Little by little I am pretty much sure and have faith what I am doing.  

After all, it started as a dream, and yet it happened.