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Friday, December 29, 2017

I Still Believe in Karma

I've been running my head back in the old days of my Facebook memories "On This Day" and that helps remind me of my past memories, some of the goods and bad times and some of the "shout out" which until now are things that I remember.  I think I have learned a lot from all of these, the lessons and perhaps the BIG LESSON I have learned and now ready to face a new chapter ahead coming up.  Two more days and then it is 2018.

Talking about the lesson I have learned, I think I was too nice, I was too true and I did not know that just because I was being of myself - perhaps not the best version.  I was just being too humane that some might have been abused me until I have realized it. Some of the maltreatment when you were empty-handed. Some of the people taking advantage of my weakness just because of my situation. Yeah, these are the things from the past.  And these are the things I have learned that made me who I am today.

I remember these things.  Nice people when you have, but not nice when you already don't have, Nice people treating you nicely but you will see their true colors when you get to know them better. Nice people and yet they treat you like a "servant" of a master.

People who use you to grasp something in their end. And some are nice but they are just one way.

I believe I am just being more humane but I did not know the outcome of being too nice.

I lost a lot of resources.

But these are some of things from the past.

I still believe in karma, no matter what things work in mysterious ways.  Good or bad, we gotta pay for what we have done.

You will never know when karma strikes but being on guard all the time helps us trace what we have done.

After all we all have karma to reap, whether we do good or bad.

Bad things has its own time and way that is going to be repaid.  We won't know.

But this time I have learned my lessons the hardest way.  I have learned who I should trust and never to allow to happen again.