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Saturday, November 25, 2017

November Update

I almost forgot that I have a blog that needs to be updated. The last post that I had was four months ago and that was quite long already.  Maybe because I was busy on different endeavor and I think now is the right time to update this blog.

Yesterday I decided to make a hopia, a delicacy that originated in China. I is stuffed with monggo filling.  Hopia is one of my favorite delicacy to eat and it's good as snacks especially when your stomach is empty and when you eat them, it's like you had already your meal.  So yesterday since I was not busy at all and I don't like going out when it is Friday, I made some hopia.

Last Sunday was a busy day for me since I had an event at La Salle Greenhills for photo shoots on orchestra concert.  The week was quite busy because I had a model portrait shoot done earlier last week.

I also went for a landscape/seascape shoot during the first week of this month at Harbor Bay in Manila.

There were few times that I went to Quiapo and Binondo this month.

I guess this is all for now and I will still give some updates before the year ends.