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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Letting God Take Care of All The Things

Christmas day came to pass and another countdown of 365 days is off to set once again. The people are starting to make plans for 2014 and one of them.

The year 2013 had been a tough year for me, lots of challenges as my spiritual awakening spurred 2 years ago. In time, I was able to embrace the "Dark Night of the Soul", the year that it never happened to me before as everything collapsed that led me by the Source to the path that I was taken to becoming of who I am today.

But what does awakening did good to me? This is one of the questions I have figured out, asking myself over and over again. And why did I experience these adversities only to find myself looking back all the good and bad ones.

But one thing for sure, awakening brings out the best and worst in me. As the beginning of the year 2014 comes close, I wanted to recover everything I have lost, start all over again and be careful of the mistakes I have partaken during the past few years.

I know that God wanted me to realize how blessed we are, that everything happens for a reason. And now I know how happy I am, that I deserve that blessings God is giving me. Trust our Lord for everything has been taken cared of.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Thought About Christmas

First of all let me greet everyone a Merry Christmas! It is Christmas time once again that sometimes   I could hardly believe that moment like this is running so fast that I couldn't imagine every year I say the same piece over and over again when the season comes that I have to think time indeed is like this, like a water running through a river. Everyday in our lives when the moment passes away is just like that and becomes a memory.

I have this feeling that when Christmas passes by, I have this feeling of sadness. It's just that I love this season, but of course I know that everyone loves Christmas. The Christmas songs played on the radio, jingle bells, caroling, the choirs, the people shopping for the Christmas rush and the people, friends and relatives reuniting this yuletide season, it is so amazing. This season of the year also reminds me of my departed loved ones that we could miss them more.

This season, everyone around us portrays Santa Claus, from giving gifts and toys, the cards and the greetings and to giving love. These are the times of our lives, a season that we would always love to reminisce each time Christmas passes by and we know we would happy as we are to remind us that is indeed another yuletide season that we should celebrate. After December 25 is the countdown of the upcoming December 25. It's warm and great that there's always a reminder what I have done, and what I have remembered about the last Christmases.

This is why, I feel strange, quite sad when I know that after December 25 is another wait to another one. And I feel that wave of nostalgia! We saw that pictures and these memories in our lives are something that we can always cherish as time flies away.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's All About Remembering

It's All About Remembering

Who your true love is

It's all about remembering

who is the one

Can you feel them

Can you recognize them

Only time and space can tell

Only love can tell

No need to wait

No need to expect

No need to explore

It will just come

When you see them

There's no mistaking

But Love yourself first

It is just within

And it's all about remembering...

Love that is eternal..

Love that is pure...

It's all about remembering...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Thought About Appreciation


Is when you don't really like my work
but have the courage to say the flaws

Appreciation is when you have no fear
to say what you think is right but
it never drive away people from
your criticism...

Appreciation is not just simply you
like my work but at least acknowledge
the effort of a person who does the work
either the result of his/her work may be
good or bad..

Appreciation is when you see their point
why they have to be objective when you miss
out something important...

Not only you are receiving appreciation because
they are your friends but because you understand
the need of one person to be appreciated...

Appreciation is when you feel instinctively that a person has the
need to  be appreciated...

In case of good or bad times they are there for you though they are
not physically present...

Appreciation is when you do good deeds to a person
making him/her feel better in times when you need them..

Appreciation is intangible, but you feel them...

Love is unconditional and you appreciate them for loving you
for who you are...