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Thursday, August 16, 2012

With A Smile

Well I guess I don't have anything to write in my blog at this time. I do not have any travel schedule which allows me to update my site. Travel might resume either September or October. Anyway it's rainy season that's why I rarely go travel during this time. Since I am not busy, I did some recordings just to fill up my vacant days and actually I started recording since the start of this year. But now I have more than 40 songs recorded and posted in my YouTube account.

One of my few favorite song and actually this has been my favorite since then. A song popularized by Eraserheads was "With A Smile". I love the melody and the message of the song. This song also serves as my personal advice to myself..The song advises me to smile in times when problems arise. When I'm sad and need someone to comfort me. When I'm depressed it serves as a personal message to myself. I always listen to this song every time I have some problems and thing go wrong along the way.

Now I just finished recorded this song, I did the recording, the back up singing, the mixing, editing the video and uploading at YouTube and my Facebook account. To those who see this message, I hope you like my version/rendition of "With A Smile". Thank you for listening.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

To Blame or Not to Blame

We are already in the month of August and we just experienced the monsoon rain or Habagat for the past 4 days that left the entire Metro Manila and some of the provinces in a flooded and calamity state. And for 4 days, there was no electricity that the battery of all my cell phones and laptop got depleted. No Facebook in the past few days except that I had to go to Sta Lucia East Mall to have a battery charged in Starbucks Coffee and the same time could open my Facebook account. As social networking addict like me, it was pretty hard not to check my FB account just to update my status and check who's commenting and liking my posts.

Since it is rainy season, I suspended my traveling plans from July to September, just like year and traveling only resumed in the month of September. So it had to be taken back just to let the rain pass in these months. So I was missing the action within the next few months.

As far as the other plans are concerned, the universe must have set it that I took it in different perspective. Somehow, these variables may have affected my actions which became a flaw to the ladder I was climbing which I almost made it. But I was only understanding in the entirety that it felt like you were used and abused but perhaps I should not blame others for their shortcomings  because it was I who took the choice that some people took advantage of me being nice.

Many lessons have been learned that people who have a different mind set could hardly comprehend what I was trying to point out. It's hard when someone has a different mind set so you can penetrate and hit what you are trying to achieve. The plan could have took off already in 5 years time. Well, it doesn't mean that once you failed, you are in the loosing end. In fact in failure, this is the time when the real journey begins...