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Monday, November 1, 2010

I Hear Christmas Carols

It is the first day of November which let us remember our departed loved ones; and season of Christmas is just around the corner. As early as September we hear some Christmas songs already played in a radio. We Filipinos love this season in spite of economic turmoil; we prepare for Christmas and some may even borrow money or pawn their valuable things as long as we'll have something to prepare in this season. If you'll agree with me, December is the most expensive month of the year.

Each time I hear Christmas songs, it usually reminds me of my childhood years. This heart-rending memories of our past let us remind who we are and what we are. That could be the most happiest moment ever happened in our lives.

Ahh...when I think of Christmas, I think of myself that I was once being a little one. But the saddest moment also happens - when our parents are gone...